Monday, August 5, 2019

Core 52: A Fifteen-Minute Daily Guide to Build Your Bible IQ in a Year by Mark E. Moore

Pastor and Bible teacher, Mark Moore, has written a great tool for all Christians, new and mature.  Core 52 is a year-long guide to the Bible.  It enables a new Christian to get a good grasp and overview of the Bible and the mature Christian to grow deeper in their understanding of the Bible.  For all Christians it is a one-stop-shop for memorizing key Scripture passages and a practical daily devotional. 

Core 52 is divided into, you guessed it, 52 weeks.  Each week starts out with a question such as Why am I here or Who do you say Jesus is or How can I reduce worry?  Great questions!  Then Moore proceeds to answer that week's question with solid Biblical essay (teaching), about 5-6 pages long.  He ends each essay with several Key Points to summarize it and help the reader remember it.

Day 2 of each week is memorizing a Bible verse that is a core text for that week's topic.  Day 3 is reading another passage from the Bible that helps illustrate that week's text.  Day 4 is meditating on (thinking about) 3 more Bible passages that connect to the first.  Day 5 is a call to action, a step to take to put that week's lesson into action. Finally, Pastor Mark gives an "Overachiever Challenge" for those who want to take it even further, with an additional Scripture to memorize and a "Bonus Read" in the form of helpful book to read by another author. His intent is that each day would take about 15 minutes.

Each lesson builds on the previous and takes the reader all the way through the Bible, from Genesis to Revelation.  If he or she is faithful to complete the entire year, they would have a great overview of the Scriptures and a wonderful framework for understanding God's Word.  I obviously did not go through every lesson yet, but as I skimmed through the book and read several of them, I especially enjoyed  "Election and Predestination", "Baptism" and "Overwhelming Worry".

I received an uncorrected proof of this book from the publisher in exchange for my honest review.

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