Saturday, August 3, 2019

Hearing God: Eliminate Myths. Encounter Meaning. by Nathan Finochio

Hearing God is for those who don't hear God or aren't sure if they hear God or for those who doubt that God still speaks.  Nathan Finochio, a teaching pastor at Hillsong New York City, addresses six common reasons why a person might not be hearing God.  Each reason or myth, as Finochio calls them, comes with real-life examples, Scripture backup and then a succinct point to remember.

This is such a great quote from the end of the first chapter that I think sums up the book very well: "I'm telling you that God, by the Holy Spirit, is speaking His formative words over you from so many angles, but you're just not hearing them yet (emphasis mine).  You will, though.  You'll recognize His patterns.  You'll learn His language. You'll figure this out, and you'll grow.

Maybe what we need to do is lean in.  Draw close.  Ask the Holy Spirit to draw us to Himself, to show us who we are in Him.  And then listen when we need to listen and speak when we need to speak.

Just like in a conversation."

One of the best parts of Finochio's style for me is his sense of humor.  This is obviously a serious topic, but the way he injects humor makes it so much more readable and pleasurable.  I also appreciate the last chapter of the book, which gives response ideas for each of the six myths.  The ideas are short, easy to implement ways to overcome your own obstacles to hearing God and to move into deeper relationship with Him.

I received an uncorrected proof of this book from the publisher in exchange for my honest review. 

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